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What is Halotherapy?

Breathe Salt, Live Healthy

What is

Halotherapy is a 100% natural, non-invasive complementary practice that involves inhaling salt microparticles in a controlled environment, known as a salt room or salt cave.

This technique is based on the benefits of sodium chloride (rock salt) to improve respiratory and dermatological health.

The word «halotherapy» comes from the Greek «halos», meaning salt.

The origin of halotherapy dates back to the 19th and 20th centuries in Eastern Europe, when doctors observed that miners working in salt mines had significantly better respiratory health than other people in their environment. Subsequently, scientific research began on this phenomenon, leading to the creation of modern salt rooms that mimic the conditions of natural mines.

Salt has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and absorbent properties, making it an attractive option for people looking to improve their well-being without the use of drugs or chemicals.

What is Halotherapy?

How does
Halotherapy work?

Halotherapy is performed in specially designed rooms where the walls and floor are covered in salt.

These rooms are equipped with devices called halogenerators, which disperse microscopic particles of dry salt into the air. Clients simply sit or lie down in the room and breathe normally while the salt particles act on their bodies.

The size and concentration of the salt particles are carefully controlled to ensure that they are small enough to penetrate deep into the respiratory system and reach the pores of the skin.

The salt-rich atmosphere also contributes to improved sleep quality and increased energy, making halotherapy an ideal option not only for people with medical problems, but also for those looking to improve their general well-being.


Duration and frequency
of use in Halotherapy?

On average, halotherapy sessions last between 30 and 60 minutes.

For respiratory conditions, the number of sessions will be an average of 10 to 15 sessions.

For cases with dermatological problems, we will talk about an average of 18 or 20 sessions.

Our recommendation is that you always go to the caves as often as possible, not less than three sessions a week, especially at the beginning to achieve relief as quickly as possible, and gradually distance them as we achieve well-being.

People with long-term chronic pathologies should do several cycles throughout the year.

During this time, users simply breathe in the salt air while relaxing.

Effects may vary depending on each person’s condition, but many users report noticeable improvements after just a few sessions.

Halotherapy and relaxation


Respiratory illnesses are becoming more common due to factors such as pollution, smoking, and seasonal allergies.

Halotherapy offers a natural approach to alleviating these symptoms.

  • Salt has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory tract.
  • Thanks to its hygroscopic capacity, it attracts water, moistening the mucus, which favors and facilitates the cleaning of the respiratory tract, helping to eliminate unwanted particles (allergens and particles from pollution).
  • It helps reduce bronchial hypersensitivity.
  • It is a natural, non-doping technique, which makes it suitable for sports or professional activities by achieving greater physical performance.
  • In the fight against smoking, it facilitates the cleaning and expulsion of mucus and with it unwanted particles.
  • It is effective against asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, among other diseases.
Halotherapy in children

for the Skin

In addition to the respiratory benefits, halotherapy can also be an effective tool for improving skin health, especially for those who suffer from chronic conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, or acne.

  • Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Increases elasticity, softens the skin and reduces swelling.
  • Helps normalize the skin’s pH.
  • Promotes healing.
  • Helps with skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Halotherapy for the skin

for Relax

The saline environment in which Halotherapy is developed, together with music therapy and the dim lighting of the caves, produces a relaxing psycho-emotional effect.

It improves the quality of sleep and the ability to manage stress.

  • Deep Relaxation: The salt atmosphere helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.
  • Improved Respiratory: Ideal for people with respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies or bronchitis, salt helps clear the airways.
  • Healthy Skin: Halotherapy is known to improve various skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and acne.
  • Restful Sleep: The deep relaxation induced by Halotherapy can improve the quality of sleep, helping you rest better.

Relaxation and well-being with Halotherapy

in pregnancy

During pregnancy, certain symptoms often arise that are very difficult to treat due to the limitations of medications and their possible side effects.

Halotherapy will help us to reduce these symptoms without suffering any type of side effects.

Halotherapy in pregnancy

for children

Halotherapy in children facilitates the expulsion of mucus, which is difficult to manage in children of certain ages due to their voluntary inability to do so effectively.

We all know that living near the sea or spending time on the coast helps in these types of situations. The same is true for Halotherapy, which revolves around pure rock salt.

Controlled Halotherapy reduces bronchial reactivity, has no side effects for children and does not interfere with the treatments prescribed by their pediatrician, but will contribute to well-being and prolong intercurrent periods of new episodes.

In addition, your child will enjoy playing in our specialized room for them and with other children!

They will love going on an excursion to the Salt Cave in Madrid with their friends, and you will love seeing them so happy.

Contact us, we will give you all the related information. You will be able to speak directly with our team who will answer all your questions.

Halotherapy for children

Frequently Asked Questions
about Halotherapy

Yes, halotherapy is a completely safe and natural procedure. It does not involve chemicals or medications, so it has no known side effects. It is suitable for people of all ages, including those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Yes, halotherapy is safe for people of all ages. In fact, many parents choose to take their children to sessions to treat respiratory problems such as asthma or allergies.

Yes. The medical treatments or medications you are taking are fully compatible.

We always recommend following all the instructions and prescriptions given by your doctor or pediatrician.

No special clothing is needed.

We recommend comfortable, light-colored clothing that does not restrict breathing.

In the case of users with skin conditions, they should leave their skin exposed to the air, without any type of cosmetics or oil so that the salt can do its job when deposited on it.

Before entering the room, the center will provide the client with some tights to put on their feet and be able to step on the salt and a hairnet cap that they will have to wear before entering the room.

The number of sessions varies depending on the condition and its severity.

Some people experience noticeable improvements after two or three sessions, while others may need several weekly visits to achieve the best results.

Halotherapy is known to be very well tolerated and side effects are rare.

Some people may experience a slight cough or tickling sensation in the throat at first, which is normal as the airways begin to clear mucus and toxins.

Salt caves are highly safe due to the controlled microclimate that we establish inside them throughout the Halotherapy process.

The walls, ceiling and floor of salt that decorate the room, together with the micronized salt projected by the Halogenerator, will help us to cushion and maintain aseptic conditions, maintaining a constant hypoallergenic environment and a highly bactericidal activity inside the Halotherapy room/cave.

Inside the Salt and Health caves, the air exchange is constant, ensuring the renewal of air so that people inhale clean air with a high quality of saline aerosol.

Likewise, air purification and ventilation will be carried out, operating in two modes:

1/ Active (maximum performance for ventilation between sessions)

2/ and passive (during the session the air is renewed cyclically).

In the following link you can find useful information about the context of the pandemic and health and safety precautions, including room capacity management and distancing rules.



Haloterapia en casa


Discover our Salt Caves

Salt caves children

Imagine a children's space combining health and games.

Salt caves adults

We create spaces that integrate health and relaxation experiences.

halotherapy in animals

Sal y Salud Haloterapia

Calle Duque de Sesto 50, Locales 5 y 6, CP 28009, Madrid, España

© 2025 AKARA ESPACIOS SL. All Rights Reserved.
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